Saturday, 20 February 2010

what if gravity is just another trick of the mind

it's by:larm again. i worked again as a volunteer and got to see the concerts for free. however, after waiting for the metro for ten minutes with no sign whatsoever for it ever appearing, i decided to stay at home tonight (it's freezing cold and very snowstormy outside!). which feels a bit sad since i had wanted to go and see a wonderful band - actually, to see them once more, as i had already seen them yesterday. instead, i listen to their music on the sofa. and am very happy about having discovered them. lovely.

the tiny is magical and enchanting and strange and weird. you can download their albums on their online-shop for very little money, which is what i am just about to do.

1 comment:

Franziska Klee said...

Danke für deine ANtwort, hab mich sehr gefreut. ICh finde voll interesant was du machst und denke nicht das du jetzt aus der Zielgruppe raus bist=)!
WÜnsch dir alles Liebe und gute für deinen neuen Job!

Liebe GRüße