Sunday 27 January 2008

sorting out

in about two months time i will move to a new apartment in this lovely little town, and as i plan on spending most of my time during february and even march in oslo with a., it's definitely time to start packing - and throwing away. i have to admit, i am not good at throwing things away, i never was. but i am learning, or at least trying to.
today, i got started with my clothes, and sorted out three plastic bags (two middle-sized and one large) with jeans, trousers, t-shirts and pullovers that i don't want to keep. and of course, with every second or third item i start thinking "you might want to keep this, maybe you'll really lose some weight during spring and summer so you can wear it again" or "just think how glad you were about all the old stuff you got from your mother, when you have a daughter she might love this!". well. i got over it and put the stuff away to the red-cross-container.
feels good.

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