Monday 24 August 2009

fröken lila's oslo: Frøken Dianas Salonger

i have had thoughts about doing the one or other series for my blog, related posts which i'd try to do fairly regularly. one idea for those came up during my latest stay in oslo. as some of you know, my favourite person in the world lives there so i visit the city quite often, and i thought that a series about my favourite boutiques and places would be cool, especially if any of you are planning a trip there in the future..

so, here is the first part of the series!

Frøken Dianas Salonger is, in my opinion, one of the neatest and loveliest little second hand stores in all of oslo. it is situated on markveien, which is norway's mekka for vintage boutiques, and is run by two wonderful ladies who obviously love their store and who sell nothing they wouldn't like to keep for themselves.

the "parlour's" main focus lies not on clothes, even though there is a nice range of dresses and blouses, but on accessoires for you and your apartment: lampshades in perfect condition, handbags, cooking utensils, chests of drawers, postcards, some kitschy new things such as matchboxes with marilyn on them and everything else nice in the world.

the store is only just a year old but the ladies running it have managed both to offer a great range of wonderful selected items and to give it an amazing atmosphere. you feel like you can look about you for hours and see new things all the time, and you almost feel at home. definitely one of the best shopping experiences one can have!

opening hours (they are open on sundays!! perfect!) and contact information can be found on the shop's website.


Dotti said...

Ganz paradiesisch. Deine (hübschen!) Fotos verlocken. Ich würde am liebsten und sofort in einen Flieger gen Oslo steigen. Ganz gespannt auf weitere Oslo-Posts und mit den liebsten Grüßen nach Lüneburg: Dotti

Emelie said...

Jag har bott i Oslo ett halvår, men det här har jag ju helt missat! Så sött :)

Lina said...

Wow seriously, im so jealous! I wish we had stores like this in Australia. Is it cheap clothing to buy? Ohh I wish I lived where you live…  Everything here is like wow expensive. There is never anything good in the thrift stores. I really enjoyed this post.

fröken lila said...

@ dotti: oslo ist wirklich schön, und von münchen aus kann man günstig mit fliegen =)

@ emelie: jag har varit i oslo jättemánga gánger men först den här gángen hittade jag den.. men när du komemr tillbaks en dag vet du ju vart du ska nu!

@ linaa.: sadly enough oslo is one of the most expensive towns in the world, and thriftstores are no exception. this store is a vintage store, meaning that prices are rather high, but they are worth it if you see the quality you get!

Wanda said...

Ein super toller Tipp, sollte ich mal nach Oslo kommen;)

laura said...

das sieht toll aus - sollte ich jemals nach oslo kommen, weiß ich ja, wen ich nach einkaufstipps fragen kann... (:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That store looks lovely. And I need shops open on Sunday!
P.S. My ram's head ring is from a street vendor in Greece.

Anonymous said...

Great post about this lovely shop! :)

Pappelschnee said...

Hoffentlich find ich den Beitrag noch wieder. Fahre erst nächstes Jahr mal nach Oslo, freu mich aber jetzt schon wie Bolle ... oder so... Schöner Post und sehr netter Blog :)