Wednesday 10 June 2009

cinema cinema

today i've been to hamburg, at the library. got myself a usercard, found a lot of books for my thesis, which is good. and tonight i'll go to the movies and see this film which i have wanted to see ever since i read about it: the fall.


Kati said...

Ach so, nochmal danke für dein Angebot, aber ich glaube allein die Versandkosten für die Puppe wären schon zuviel...ich guck mal selbst auf dem Flohmarkt!

Bucca said...

that movie does look good! I might have to check it out!

fröken lila said...

@ cathy: kein problem =)

@ bucca: it's an amazing movie, you really should see it!

Maria Amelie said...

Åh! Jeg gleder meg sånn!! Ble helt oppslukt av traileren:-) Takk for tipset!